Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Rebellious Years

Drinking diet coke after 10pm? Getting crazy up in here! After several unsuccessful attempts at coming up with a new blog name (can you believe 25andstillalive.blogspot and 25tolife.blogspot are both taken already?! Pah!) A new name has been chosen! You can now find me during the 25th (ok 26th) year of my life at....

(Drum roll please) 

Adventures will continue, and I will make it my solemn duty in my 25th year to try as many new things as I can. At least one big new thing each week. Stay tuned for updates there. Thanks for following and catch you on the flipside!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Sometimes it's (very briefly) comforting to be reminded that ours is not the only ineffectual government. Also, I've re-discovered how much I enjoy reading George Monbiot occasionally. 

In other news, TICKETS TO DC ACQUIRED. September 3rd, roll out!
In other other news, happy early birthday to meee!

A quarter of a century? Whoof. 

How I feel about blueberries right about now. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pinch n a Punch 9 Days in this Month

25 in nine days?! EEEP!

After chatting with Will and looking at apartments all morning, It's just about time I got a job. And then go golfing. But in the meantime, here are some of the coolest bridges in the world, all located in India!

Grown from the roots of ficus trees (yay figs!), the bridges are probably the only ones in the world that get stronger over time rather than weaker. Pics and info shamelessly stolen mostly from

Double Decker Root bridge in Cherrapunji, India 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Imma go there. And it's going to be awesome. Just in case you were wondering.

Also, not that I was great at updating this at the end, but I think for 25 I'm going to try one (bigger) new thing each week and update it here. Err, on a new incarnation of it. Will get back to you on the title. For now I've been thinking seriously about that online diabetes store. Time to get that off the ground!

-Matt Out!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Did you know..

That 47.7 million Americans received SNAP benefits (food stamps) last year?

In other fun news, the House is probably going to split the farm bill into an Ag bill and a food/nutrition assistance bill. And then mostly not fund the second one, because, well, that's how we roll when we elect the most incompetent congress ever into office. Yay USA!

Also, Bayfield tomorrow! HUZZAH!

P.s. Vineyard names - Glacial Grapes. For it? Against it? Thoughts?

Thursday, June 27, 2013